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I had the joy of performing a wedding today. It wasn’t one that I was expecting to officiate, but was honored that this couple thought of me when the pastor who did their premarital counseling wasn’t available. They had to change their venue to an outside wedding last minute due to a fire two nights before the wedding in the building! But wow, could you have ever asked for a more perfect day? Sunny and 72 degrees at the beginning of February. Someone was looking out for these two ;-).

I love doing weddings because I get to preach the gospel to myself and everyone present. I get to talk about the boundless, matchless, always reaching, never resting love of Jesus toward His bride, the Church. When two people who are in Christ get married, the gospel is on display, like a portrait in an art gallery, for all who are present to see.

I couldn’t help but think of my wife, and all that marriage has taught me about the love of Jesus over the past 13 years. It’s also taught me a great deal about how much I need to grow in order to become more like Him. I’m so grateful for a bride who loves me so much, and a bridegroom, Christ, whose faithfulness to me knows no bounds.


Loving me in my unworthiness.

Forgiving me in my failures.

Strengthening me in my weakness.

Covering me in my shame.

Carrying me in my frailty.

I think I can learn quite a bit about what it means to be a husband from Jesus.

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her…




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