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Our state is on fire literally.

Our nation is on fire socially, racially, spiritually and politically.

Our world is burning in the fires of poverty, injustice, and wickedness.

The entire world without Christ is headed toward the fires of eternal judgment.

In the meantime, the one thing that needs to be ablaze, but instead sits as a smoldering, smoking remnant, is the church. Yes, there are pockets of flame burning brightly, sparks that are ready to ignite, but in many places, I see passion waning.

Oh, we might be fired up, but that’s different than being on fire. We’re fired up about politics, were fired up about people being offended by us. Many things fire us up. That’s good and fine, but we don’t need any more smokescreens. What we need is the fresh fire of God.

We are in desperate need of the blazing passion of the Holy Spirit to ignite our hearts to lavish obedience, and the fervent coals of love, compassion, and truth to reignite our mission. We need the fire of prayer once again filling the halls of our churches, burning down barriers of kind-heartedness, and the inferno of faith turning our unbelief into ashes. We need the fire of holiness to spark up consecrated lives for Christ and His kingdom, and the heat of God’s righteousness to burn away the dross of our idolatry.

I’m convinced that the one fire the world needs is a church full of Christians who have decided that their lives no longer belong to themselves but Christ; a church that burns on the pure, life-giving fuel of the Holy Spirit, emitting the aroma of life and shining brightly the light of truth.

Christian, start burning and watch the trail of beauty that God leaves in your path.

Ephesians 5:14 – Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”


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