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Update on CA bill AB 2943:

As many of you know, I’ve been posting updates on the progress of California’s AB 2943 bill. In a disappointing but unsurprising vote, the California Senate has overwhelmingly decided to move AB 2943 to the assembly for final approval before heading the governor’s desk. This bill prohibits the exchange of money for any efforts to help someone navigate coming out of an LGBTQ sexual identity. In reality, this bill isn’t about money or business practices, but about a minority group of people who want our laws to declare that there is nothing wrong with the LGBTQ lifestyle.

Does this anger me? Sure. I have a level of righteous anger at this arrogant and blatant disregard for personal freedom and God’s moral standards. Like righteous Lot surrounded by the perversion of Sodom and Gomorrah, I too have a vexed soul. But the larger part of me is saddened. It grieves me to consider those who genuinely want help but will not be able to find it easily. I’m broken-hearted for those who will spend their lives being affirmed by society in a false and dangerous sexual identity. I fear for the godless men and women who think they are casting an archaic God out of their modern society, but in reality, are only storing up judgment for themselves.

This battle is about more than a bill; it’s about the need for revival and salvation to come to our state and nation. Thankfully we serve a God who uses Satan’s schemes for His ultimate glory. It will be amazing to see how God uses this development to bring about His greater plan.

People of God, continue to pray! Pray for our leaders and our state. Love your neighbor, preach the gospel, and stand for truth. I rejoice that we are going to see God move in mighty ways in the days to come!


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