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July 4, 1776, represents the day when the thirteen original colonies rarified their declaration of independence, declaring their sovereignty and freedom from the rule of the United Kingdom of Britain. Most people don’t stop to consider that the war for that independence didn’t come to an end until November 30, 1782, approximately six years after Congress signed that landmark document. In other words, freedom was declared a reality before the battle was over.

Does this resonate? It should, for it has many parallels to our journey of faith. Let me pose a couple of questions.

Do you ever feel as though you’re bound by the sin or habits of the life you lived before being born again? Do the battles against the world, the flesh, and the enemy, seem at times as though they are hopeless fights? We can often feel as though we are in a paradox; fighting our battles while knowing that the cross of Christ was the ultimate declaration of our freedom.

At the cross, Jesus defeated the works of the devil, broke the chains of the power of sin, and three days later, disarmed the sting of death! But for now, we are still in the fight. Our sanctification remains an ongoing and arduous process. Sometimes, the war is enough to cause us great discouragement and weariness. It’s in those seasons we must remember and declare the truth: Jesus has won and the day is quickly approaching when we will experience the fullness of His overwhelming victory. Until that day, we can battle with confidence, endure hardship with joy, and know greater freedom with each new day.

This week, while we celebrate the miracle of America, let us marvel even more at the miracle of the cross; the battle hill where God made the most significant declaration of freedom in all history, for all people. It’s the Christian’s declaration of dependence; dependence on God and His grace. Take courage. Though the spiritual battle continues, the declaration of Jesus stands fast, for He has eternally sealed it by His blood.

Galatians 5:1 (NKJV) Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free…


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